How Many Of Us Have Road Side Chickens | Chicken Coop Fractions

How Many Of Us Have Road Side Chickens

I visited my parents new house in Seattle this weekend, and wouldnt you know it, a neighbor just two doors down from them has chickens!

How did I know he has chickens? Because he keeps his coop along the side of the house, just a few feet from the sidewalk. This isnt to say he doesnt have a backyard to keep them in. He does, but his girls are there for all the world to see and (like me) admire and wonder about.
side-yard coop in the Tangle Town neighborhood of Seattle
I snapped the picture above as I was returning from my morning run around Green Lake. You can clearly see the sidewalk to the right, and the tree-lined street is just a few feet beyand.  I couldnt help but smile as I saw these two chickens going about their morning scratching-and-pecking ritual there by the side of the road in full view of anyone walking or driving by.

It got me wondering how many others keep their girls on display for all the world to see? I suppose local zoning laws exert a lot of influence over exhibiting your chooks out in the open, but for those who can, do you? And if not, why not?

For the record, theres nothing in the regulations here in Redwood City to stop us from keeping urban chickens in the front yard. I just worry one of my egg-layers might wind up as dinner on someone elses table. Weve got enough problems with raccoons, I dont want to have to worry about other invaders of the human kind.

How Many Of Us Have Road Side Chickens