Flock Observations With Chicken As Muse | Chicken Tractor

Flock Observations With Chicken As Muse

Its time to share yet another beautiful essay crafted from spending time with a flock of chickens.

This particular essay, Pecking order, was written by Peter Lennox and appears on the Times Higher Education site.

I cant possibly do justice to Lennoxs words, so Ill merely quote a paragraph that really speaks to me (I got my degree in Linguistics from UC San Diego, so all things word-y appeal to yours truly):
Watching chickens is a very old human pastime, and the forerunner of psychology, sociology and management theory. Sometimes understanding yourself can be made easier by projection on to others. Watching chickens helps us understand human motivations and interactions, which is doubtless why so many words and phrases in common parlance are redolent of the hen yard: "pecking order", "cockiness", "ruffling somebodys feathers", "taking somebody under your wing", "fussing like a mother hen", "strutting", a "bantamweight fighter", "clipping someones wings", "beady eyes", "chicks", "to crow", "to flock", "get in a flap", "coming home to roost", "dont count your chickens before theyre hatched", "nest eggs" and "preening".
In the essay, Lennox makes great observations about chickens environmental preferences and territoriality, their personality traits and behaviour and their inquisitiveness, teaching and learning.

If you have (or had) your own flock, youll find yourself nodding your head in agreement with many of Lennoxs observations.

If youve yet to experience a flock of your own, youll see why we urban chicken farmers so love our hens.

So, grab yourself a cup of tea or glass of wine (depending what time it is and how early you crack open your bottle) and enjoy the Pecking order essay. Then come back and share with us your favorite bits and how your own flock is similar or different.

Flock Observations With Chicken As Muse