Chicken Feed | Chicken Coop Roost Ideas

Chicken Feed

I have had a few questions lately regarding what to feed grown chickens, which got me thinking - there really isnt much chickens wont eat ;-) Chickens are also quite individual - one will love lettuce and another will hate it, one will practically take your hand off for a piece of melon rind, whilst another will look at you like you are mad to even consider offering it to them in the first place!

So here is some general feeding information - Please feel free to add your own comments about foods your chickens love (or hate).

In the old days people used to make up their own chicken feed, things are a lot easier nowadays and it is possible to buy commercial feed aimed specifically at your type of chicken. The good thing about commercial feeds is that they are properly balanced so you know your chickens will be getting the nutrients they need (for example layer pellets / mash will include calcium to encourage strong egg shells). Some people feed their chickens only scratch but I would recommend not doing that as it is not a balanced food - scratch really should come under the treats category.

As commercial feed is balanced you can let the chickens take what they need / want of it (chickens are very unlikely to overeat). In addition to the commercial feed chickens can also eat treats you give them such as the ocassional handful of scratch or healthy (i.e. not salty or sugary) scraps such as watermelon rinds, steamed rice, figs, blackberries, green leafy vegetables, cucumber, ear of corn, broccoli, tomatoes, apple cores, cooked potato peelings (raw potato peelings can be slightly toxic) etc.etc. Theyll also eat any worms and bugs they can find!

Grit is needed to grind anything they eat that isnt commercial feed (worms, veggies, fruits etc.), if they are free ranging they will probably get some grit from the earth, you can also buy grit from the feed store and put a little out for them to help themselves (in a seperate container to their normal feed).

Chickens eating salad

Chicken Feed