Mobile Chicken Coop | Chicken Coop From Pallets

Mobile Chicken Coop

I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was converting an old trailer into a mobile chicken coop. We got the trailer from my neighbor and after stripping off some things we didnt need it formed a strong platform to build the coop. I did a simple lean to design with a large nesting box on one end and roosts in the middle. The bottom is diamond metal mesh so hopefully most of the chicken droppings will fall through. The bottom is secured with hardware cloth to keep out any predators and to allow a lot of ventilation. I used metal roofing and a single plastic panel to afford the chickens some natural light. There are large doors at both ends and a small chicken door which is left open during the day.

I set the mobile coop in the barn yard Saturday afternoon and locked all the chickens out of their old coop. Danielle and I came back out Saturday night and transfered all the chickens into their new home.

Sunday morning we moved the coop out onto our pasture and setup a perimeter of electric netting. The chickens happily came out to explore their new digs and seemed pleased to have some fresh grass to feast on. I am happy to say that when we went out Sunday evening to close them up all but one of the chickens had found their way into the coop. They also had no problem finding the nesting box and provided us with 19 fresh eggs.

Mobile Chicken Coop