Chicken Shenanigans! | Chicken Coop Interior Layout

Chicken Shenanigans!

Weve had these ladies for about a week now, and after a bit of a bumpy start, I think were starting to see some progress.

The first night they were here they did not want to go into the coop at night.  I kept waiting for them to go in there, not knowing just how dark they would let it get before going inside for the night. Lets just say this, the first night ended with me and a flash light, catching some chickens and putting them in their coop! We all were a little flustered but they were safe inside their new home, whether they realized it yet or not, so all was well.

The second night I had the benefit of the experience from the night before and didnt let it get dark enough to need a flash light before I shewed them in their coop. No need to catch them this time, yay!

And then on the third night here they magically just went into their coop around 7:50pm.  All I had to do was walk out there and close the door. Victory! Theyve done this every night since! Wonderful!

They are still pretty timid around us. But they are starting to catch on to the fact that we are the ones bringing the food, but they still dont get too close. The biggest one, one of the Australorps, is the boldest and will get pretty close to us when were feeding them. The others have kept their distance, up until today. Ive tried a few different treats to win their trust, I even got them meal worms! Nasty! But, I guess what they really love is weeds! They were raised in a nice chicken pen with plenty of room, but it was on sand, not grass. So Im not sure if they have had anything green until coming here. The first few times I gave it to them they seemed a little confused, but they love it now! All four of them came right up to the side of the run and ate the weeds we dropped in for them! Success!

They seem pretty happy in their coop and run, and they scratch and peck all day out there.   Im hoping within the next week or so we can establish a good relationship with them and let them free range in the yard. Its pretty surreal to have four chickens in our back yard! I love watching them, I can already tell how they all fall in the pecking order.  And its been a nice morning ritual to go out with the girls to feed them. I cant wait for that morning ritual to include collecting eggs too!

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The Homestead Barn Hop

Chicken Shenanigans!