A Week In Farm Photos June 14th 20th Filming The Permaculture Chickens DVD | Chicken Coop Kits

A Week In Farm Photos June 14th 20th Filming The Permaculture Chickens DVD

This week I had the pleasure of hosting Justin Rhodes, his family and film crew at our farm to film a segment for the upcoming Permaculture Chickens DVD due to come out this fall. They arrived at sun-up to capture morning chores on film and take advantage of the beautiful morning light, then we moved to the herb garden to chat about the benefits of using herbs in chicken keeping. Even the ducks got in on the action, maybe hoping for a sequel (Permaculture Ducks?!?!). The film crew even brought a drone and had it flying around capturing images and some of the action! The day ended with a Q&A session as I sat and answered some of the questions fans had sent in. Enjoy this peek at the photo shoot. And pre-order the Permaculture Chickens DVD at a 20% discount HERE.

Order the Permaculture Chickens DVD HERE.

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A Week In Farm Photos June 14th 20th Filming The Permaculture Chickens DVD