Pallet Chicken Coop Phase Done! | Chicken Coop With Garden On Top

Pallet Chicken Coop Phase Done!

Isnt it just like life to have two drill weekends, several extensive van repairs, a fence needing to be built, a toilet breaking, and lots of rainy weekends, right in the middle of a rather intense project?

No?? Well, thats like our life.

I dont think we would have started such a big project had we realized it would be sooo time consuming.  But in the end, we finished it.  So, after what I know has been a painfully long wait for you all,  lets take a look, shall we?

Pallet Chicken Coop

Isnt it purdy?! Im very much in love with this sweet little thing.  It turned out just as I had hoped!

If you missed phase 1 and phase 2, be sure to check them out! Heres some snapshots of the rest of process.

Finishing up the nest boxes,

We had a big work party a couple of weekends ago, and part of that involved working on the chicken coop, thanks guys! 

They finished putting up the slats on the walls, and putting hardware cloth in the windows,

And they built this chicken run for us!

At this point I took over, muahahaha! 

I built and installed this chicken door to the run, which in all honesty is going to need improvement... but seriously, I had to do this while squatting inside the chicken run because that got built I make no apologies,


And I installed these super cool roosting bars. I decided to go with natural branches, I hope the ladies will approve.

Then it was time to paint this bad boy. Of course, I had my trusty helper by my side for this part (my other helper was taking a nap!).

And there you have it!

I dont have an exact cost analysis, but from my estimations we spent around $90 to build this.  Less than building a chicken ark! (and a lot nicer on the eyes, if you ask me)  We were so very blessed, not only to find free pallets and materials in our shed, but with very generous neighbors and friends who donated labor, tools, and materials to our project. Thank you to everyone who lent a hand in this massive undertaking! We are so grateful!

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The Homestead Barn Hop

Pallet Chicken Coop Phase Done!