Meet The Flockers The Chickens Of Fresh Eggs Daily | Chicken Coop Kedzie

Meet The Flockers The Chickens Of Fresh Eggs Daily

Over the years, our flock which started with six hens, has grown to nearly three dozen at times and shrunk to just three at other times. Ive hatched, and bought chicks, Ive sold and given away some of my hens (and made some really nice families very happy in the process!) - all in pursuit of the perfect flock. For me, that means beautiful, friendly girls who lay gorgeous, delicious eggs. And by jove, six years in, I think Ive finally got it! 

Our current flock numbers just fourteen chickens. A bakers dozen of hens plus one rooster. Its a nice size flock, and while a few have just started laying, come spring, I should be collecting a nice basket of eggs each day. Our eggs come in blue, olive green, tan, pinkish, and chocolate brown.

I know many of you tune into my Facebook page to follow the adventures of the girls and Lily - and I get asked all the time which breeds everyone is. So, heres a look at my current flock.

Name: Charlotte
Breed: Australorp
Hatched: 2009
Egg Color: Light Tan 

Charlotte is our matriarch. Shes a sweet girl and yes, at nearly six years old, she still lays the occasional egg.

Name: Annie
Breed: Australorp
Hatched: 2010
Egg Color: Pinkish

Annie, also an Australorp, is an excellent layer of large pinkish eggs, but what she really excels at is being a mother!

Name: Abigail
Breed: Olive Egger
Hatched: 2012
Egg Color: Olive Green

Abigails mom was a Black Ameraucana (blue egg layer) and her father was a Black Copper Marans (dark brown egg laying breed). That accounts for her gorgeous olive green eggs.

Name: Violet
Breed: Lavender Orpington
Hatched: 2012
Egg Color: Light Tan

Violet is probably the sweetest chicken Ive ever raised. Shes just beautiful and a total sweetheart.

Name: Truffle
Breed: Bantam Chocolate Orpington
Hatched: 2013
Egg Color: Light Tan

Truffle, the clear fan favorite, is a sweet bantam. The smallest in the flock, shes probably the fiestiest one! Shes a bit of a loner and introvert, preferring to poke around by herself for the most part, rather than with the group.

Name: Virginia
Breed: Blue Ameraucana
Hatched: 2013
Egg Color: Blue

Virginia is mean, pure and simple. Her favorite activity is bopping baby chicks on the head. None of the others like her, so she has an entire roosting bar to herself at night. But for the gorgeous blue eggs she lays, I think she would be chicken stew by now! (kidding....shes lovable in her own grumpy way)

Name: Cecelia
Breed: Black Ameraucana
Hatched: 2014
Egg Color: Blue

Cecelia is a gorgeous girl I hatched this past spring who has just started laying the most beautiful blue eggs.

Name: Ophelia
Breed: Mottled Java
Hatched: 2014
Egg Color: Light Tan

Ophelia is a very good-natured, curious hen who lays light tan eggs. Our first Mottled Java, I will definitely look into getting some more of these.

Name: Kate
Breed: Blue Ameraucana
Hatched: 2014
Egg Color: Blue

Kate is a Blue Ameraucana - with a far sweeter temperament than Virginia - who also lays beautiful blue eggs.

Name: Amy
Breed: Black Ameraucana
Hatched: 2014
Egg Color: Blue

I hatched Amy this past spring and she also has just started laying pretty blue eggs.

Name: Molly
Breed: Blue Copper Marans
Hatched: 2014
Egg Color: Chocolate Brown

I find the Blue Copper Marans more friendly than the Blacks and Molly is no exception. Shes friendly and lays beautiful chocolate brown eggs.

Names: Tessie and Duffy
Breed: Black Copper Marans
Hatched: 2014
Egg Color: Chocolate Brown

Okay, I admit, Im a  bad chicken mother. I cant tell these two apart for the life of me! They always hang out together and they both lay pretty chocolate brown eggs.

Name: Lily
Breed: Black-Faced White Spanish
Hatched: 2014
Egg Color: N/A

Yes, we have a rooster named Lily. We were hoping for a girl. 

And thats a look at the fourteen chickens who make up our current flock. And yes, I realize theyre all black or blue except for Truffle. What can I say? I have a thing for black chickens! 

So heres a look at what our current egg basket looks like. Sigh....I love chickens!

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Meet The Flockers The Chickens Of Fresh Eggs Daily